Introducing Plastonic Co
The fresh water is a natural resource to become a strategic commodity. Increasing population density in many cities, especially in developing countries, causing increasing difficulty in supply and distribution of potable water and sanitation in the region has become.
as well as domestic sewage treatment is more evident. The company Plastonic its mission to invest in design and engineering systems, rainwater harvesting, water storage tanks and reservoirs Sewage Treatment determined and since 2005 has invested in Rotomolding industry.
Now Plastonic with more than 10 years of successful manufacturing and production capacity of over 2,500 tons per year Rotomolding industry as one of the major manufacturers in Iran and the Middle East Rotomolding industry, in addition to part of the internal market, Exporter Polyethylene tanks into neighboring countries, Central Asia and the Caucasus (the introduction of some of our customers). All products are approved by the Ministry of Health of polyethylene 3840 is produced. The grade of polyethylene in the world as known to and approved by the Food and Drug PE FoodGrade America (FDA) as well.
It should be noted that at the end of the current range of products and sinks and reservoirs in various volumes from 20 to 10,000 liters are produced in the company. Active participation in international forums, production in line with global standards of the industry, the use of modern machinery, the benefit of skilled manpower and efficient as well as certified quality system ISO 9001: 2008 standard and led to redefine Iran quality in the production of plastic containers in Iran.
The company’s commitment to quality and continuous improvement in all areas has caused Plastonic young despite being the leader in this industry in the country. There are more than tens of thousands of housing units and industries in Iran and neighboring countries will benefit from the products and services of the company are broad and diverse.
Factory located in Industrial State No.1. Sari, Mazandaran, Iran